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Thanks for stopping by. About The Lending Village


The leaders at The Lending Village all started from a customer facing origination model. Many existing companies are built by people or industry “experts” that do not appreciate the purpose of Mortgage lending; the customer. Being on the front lines of mortgage for many years, we see the process from the eyes of the consumer. The number one complaint that loan officers or mortgage brokers get is “not returning phone calls”, and lack of communication. We’ve solved this problem by making our loan officers available nights and weekends, and through different means of simple communication (email, text, calls, etc). We have made service our Number One priority since our start. The Lending Village has trained our current loan officers on the importance of communicating with clients, and lending partners, during normal and outside of business hours. Throughout our tenure we have been able to secure many transactions on the weekend and late nights because of our willingness to serve and make ourselves available outside of standard hours.

We pride ourselves on going the extra mile for our customers, coaching, guiding and assisting them in the homeownership journey from the initial credit consultation, up until the day they receive their first set of house keys. The Lending Village is on a mission to serve, educate, coach and generate wealth for communities throughout the entire United States.

The Mortgage Industry can be somewhat of a “fair-weather” friend. Many loan of officers entered the industry in late 2019, 2020, looking for a quick dollar. Our Leadership has seen this happen time and time again. They prey on the backs of low interest rates or “booms” and swiftly exit after all the dust settles. The Lending Village leadership has been in this industry through good times and bad, times of lean, and times of fat. The consumer is our passion, our drive. Mortgage is a way of life, a career, for us. We’ve learned how to adjust to an ever changing market, to keep us healthy, prosperous and profitable in serving our communities.

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